Raw food means food that has not been processed or cooked, it is same as natural or whole plant food. Health wise, it is recommended that three quarters of the food people eat should contain raw food. This is not only because it is nutritious but because it safe in the body. People who make it a routine to consume raw food reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and other long term ailments. Toasted sesame seeds are among the most consumed raw foods because of their nutritional benefits. Below are some basic raw foods that you need to eat to grow healthy always.
Raw fruits and raw vegetables
Fruits and vegetables have always been underestimated. When people eat modern foods, they think they are living a lavish life little do they know that they are harming their bodies. People’s immunity is chiefly dependent on vitamins. When you consume raw fruits and vegetables, you add vitamins to the body which work to boost our immunity. Mangoes, oranges and cabbages among other fruits and vegetables play an important role in cleansing the body. Frequent infections, weak joints and weak eye sight can all be eliminated if you make it a habit to consume fruits and vegetables.
Beans and Grains
Are you in need of natural proteins without adding any fats to your body? Well, the beans and grains can all be a go-to option for you. You will be able to add proteins, promote muscle growth and add strength without adding fats. Beans and grains that are from the farm are the best because don’t need much preparation for them. You can even cook them and keep them in the fridge so that you eat on routine basis. One of the best raw foods that add to your wellbeing.
Raw Fish and Raw Eggs
Proteins continue to be essential in the body making people to grow muscles and promote tissue healing every now and then. As you continue to eat raw food that is rich in proteins, you boost your strength and musculature without adding any form of fats in the body. lean muscle growth doesn’t expose people to the risk of diabetes and other cardiovascular conditions. Make it a habit and if possible, you can blend raw foods so that you get a mixture of all the nutrients from raw food. In countries where consumption of raw food is common, people end up having a longer life than areas where people consume a lot of processed foods.
Consuming raw food is nutritious and healthy. Besides that, organic foods tend to be cheaper and readily available. Make it a habit of consuming the best raw food that is nutritious. Some companies now pack juices and spices made from raw food so that people can get a full-range of nutrients from a single serving. When going for the raw foods, make sure you look for the foods that have been organically grown for you to enjoy excellent health outcomes at all times.