Dried fruits, such as dried apricots, dried pineapples, or prunes, are healthy and tasty. The cell protection substance beta-carotene is concentrated to higher levels in dried apricots. And the glycemic index (GI) drops to 31. Dried apricots can be snacked on and steamed briefly in a little water, pureed and used as a sauce. Dark apricots are not as attractive, but not as sulfurous as their light sisters. And the high potassium content also turns slack muscles into Hawaii-suitable ones.
Dried fruits are like colorful pearls of nature. Dried fruit is rich in vital substances, low in fat, and tasty and provides slimming fruit sugar and the hunger blocker pectin. It contains plenty of potassium, has a dehydrating effect, and activates the metabolism. Fruit such as dried pineapple, apricots, plums, or berries can be eaten very well as a snack in between. This is perfect as a substitute for sweets like chocolate, candy, or a candy bar. When you are on a diet or want to lose weight, dried fruits are a good alternative. Instead of snacking, it is better to eat something healthy. Dried fruit also tastes sweet. It’s a little easier to consume than fresh fruit, however. Nothing has to be washed, cleaned, peeled, or chopped up first. Everything is already packed and ready. In contrast to fresh fruit, no amniotic fluid drips out, or the fruit acid can attack the teeth. Dried fruit also stimulates digestion.
Health Benefits Of Dried Fruits
Just like Golgi berries, dried fruits are high in calories and healthy at the same time. The snack for on the go as an important source of vitamins and essential minerals.
Berries are the sweetest anti-aging medicine. Dyes, vitamins, and minerals protect cells from attack by free radicals and drive bacteria away. Berries have a very low glycaemic index (GI), even when dried. Snacking makes you slim: The berry dye myricetin drives fat burning, and blue pigments lower the blood’s sugar content. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, jostaberries, currants, and gooseberries are simply wonderful as a dried fruit. Dried fruit is useful when you are out of the house and want to take something to eat, as nothing drips or spills. In organic quality, dried fruits are unbeatable. Candied and deep-freeze-dried, they go perfectly with a bowl of muesli in the morning and are vitamin boosters, which compete with a green smoothie. The dried fruit is portioned in a special aroma protection bag and does not require any further treatment